Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 10:00am
LOCATION: 3878 Carey Rd., Bloomville, OH 44818. From Bucyrus take St. Rt. 4 then go North 7.5 miles to Carey Rd. Turn East and go 1.5 miles to auction.
Farm Equipment: White 2-135 Tractor; Oliver 1655D Tractor; (2) Oliver 88 Tractors; J.D. 16’ 726 Soil Finisher; Brillion 10’ Cultimulcher; 14’ Krause Disc; 10’ Krause disc; IH 10 shank chisel plow; 10’ culti-packer; 13’ Field Cultivator; 2 row mounted corn cultivators (fits MH 81); MF grain drill 17 discs on 7”; J.D. 494A 4 row wide corn planter; (2) DMI Wagons 275 BU center dump; 150 BU Hopper Wagon; 16’ Hay Wagon; Cobey Spreader; Set of 18.4 – 38T Rail Duals; Landoll ripper 4 shank 3 pt.; one wheel cultivator;
Car: 2005 Buick Century w/79,000 miles;
1983 JD318 mower 46”; 225 AMP Lincoln welder; Red Line 97K BTU space heater; 11 hp 6000W generator; 465 gal water tank for pick-up; Maytag E2LS wringer washer; dbl rinse tubs;
Collectables: 2 pr. old vintage baseball shoes, BB catcher’s mask & chest protector; John E. Lust Co. wood candy bucket; Dominion elect. fan; unusual child’s rocker; some Military Patches; adv. Pens; (100) Bullet Pencils; adv. Screwdrivers; Bicycle Lic. Plates; Dog Tags; Mini lic. Plates; Bottle Openers; butcher knives; dog name tags; chauffer lic.; (5) + Trunks incl. camel; ptd. dresser; dresser; ptd commode; high boy dresser; oak dresser; rocker; oak cabinet; school desk; dress form; flat screen TV; kit. cab. bottom; 2 dr. metal cabinets; glass door bookcase; mahg. desk; record album cabinet; carnival canes; box of stamp collection; pole lamp; brass pattern maker w/box; globe; parasol; Smith typewriter; 2 pc. lime oak bedroom suite; oak child’s rocker; child’s wagon; sm. pot belly stove; Pillsbury’s chalkboard; Lots of glassware some with collectable value; rulers; Leonhart gas & oil adv, Lykens; watches; old bottles incl milk & pop; canning jars incl Lightening; apple peeler; butcher knives; old bottles; magazines incl. Ohio Archaeologist Magazines, some like new; Stanley 6’ stepladder; cream cans; ice cream freezer; Chatfield HS letters; canes; Ohio Field Seed Co. Adv; J. Beam bottles; 1985 Kent. Derby glass; Chatfield Mollenkop & Muir plates; S & P shakers: and much, much more!
*For many years Don Rothhaar was an avid auction goer and this auction is a collection of his many “finds”. There is much more to rediscover!
From the Home of the Late Don Rothhaar
Lunch by “The Rolling Reedtown”
Any announcements made auction day take precedence over any written material.
Terms: Cash or Check w/proper I.D. No Credit Cards
In regards to COVID-19:
Following the guidance of the CDC, please consider using self-distancing and mask for the safety of all in attendance.
Assisting Auctioneer: GREG MARTIN